Groyper Wars: Ideological Civil War On The American Right

Keneci Channel

A debate has been raging on the American right since the entry in 2015 of Donald Trump in the republican party 2016 presidential primary election. Recently the debate has escalated into a rhetorical war between the activists of the so-called "New right"(or  "groypers,") and the neoconservatives(or "conservative Inc"). This is dubbed the "groyper wars."

On groypers' side, there are youtuber Nick Fuentes and his "pro-America first" fans. They claim to be traditional christian conservatives who care about "America first" policies especially on immigration. They oppose homosexual and transgender lifestyles, and encourage white women to have more babies. They fear the pace of demographic change in America and the west in general. They also oppose what they view as undue left wing jewish influence and activism on culture and immigration policy.

On the "Conservative Inc" side, there are the neoconservatives, "libertarians," republican party establishment loyalists and their conservative media allies. They mostly don't engage in direct activism against the activist left. And they prefer controlled debates and punditry that don't upset the apple cart. Conservative Inc favor open borders. Though they insist they favor only legal immigration, they oppose any drastic and effective legal government action to curtail illegal immigration

 While conservative Inc talking heads like Ben Shapiro(Editor In Chief of the Daily Wire) claim to be social conservatives and free speech advocates, they balk at any opportunity to prove themselves. Ben Shapiro fired Denise McAllister, a conservative writer because she responded to liberal homosexual activist and blogger Yashar Ali who mocked her marriage. This and other instances of hypocrisy must have not gone unnoticed by the groypers.

According to youtuber Nick Fuentes, in an interview with Freddy Gray the "groyper wars started with his fans showing up at Turning Point USA's(a conservative group) events to ask poignant, "america first" questions. Nick claimed the so called groyper wars picked up steam after the founder of TPUSA Charlie Kirk barred him from an event at Politicon.

More groypers started showing up at TPUSA's "culture war" events. At these event, after speeches by Charlie Kirk and his featured guests, there would be a Q&A where attendees get the opportunity to ask questions. In a viral video from one event, a groyper asked Charlie Kirk, "how does anal sex win the culture war?"  Rob Smith a homosexual military veteran and TPUSA's spokesman was at that event.

This debate on the american right is happening all over the west and is sure to continue as long as the Conservative Inc or the government of the day fail to provide satisfactory answers or tackle the problems of uncontrolled migration and cultural degeneracy.