WOKE DEGENERACY: Teacher Introduces First-graders To Masturbation

Keneci Channel

Dalton School, an 'elite' $55,000-per-year Manhattan private school is in hot water for indoctrinating its first-graders in degenerate woke ideology including lessons on masturbation.

Justine Ang Fonte -- a radical far left “health and wellness” educator at Dalton -- reportedly teaches sex education classes for 6 year-olds with materials showing little kids talking about “touching themselves” for pleasure. Parents last fall, got wind of Ang Fonte's controversial lessons and were outraged.

Some of the Dalton School parents complained to school administrators, but were told they had simply “misinterpreted” what Ang Fonte was teaching. But according to New York Post, one video of a cartoon Ang Fonte used in one of her sex-ed classes for the 6 year-olds shows little kids talking about “touching themselves” for pleasure.

From New York Post:

“Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big sometimes and points in the air?” asks the little boy in the cartoon, leading to an explanation of what an “erection” is.

The boy nods and says, “Sometimes I touch my penis because it feels good.”

Then the little girl character chimes in: “Sometimes, when I’m in my bath or when Mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.”

Ang Fonte’s lessons for first-graders also reportedly include subjects such as gender assigned at birth, gender identity and gender expression.

“Kids have no less than five classes on gender identity – this is pure indoctrination,” a Dalton mother said. “This person should absolutely not be teaching children. Ironically, she teaches kids about ‘consent’ yet she has never gotten consent from parents about the sexually explicit, and age inappropriate material about transgender to first graders.”

“We are furious,” another Dalton mother said. “We were horrified to learn this was shown to our first-grade 6- and 7-year old kids without our knowledge or consent. But it’s so hard to fight back because you’ll get cancelled and your child will suffer.”

The parents spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are afraid of retaliation from the woke mob.

Ang Fonte’s work at the school is reportedly funded by a $450,000 grant given to Dalton in 2012 by liberal hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square Foundation. Ackman’s ex-wife Karen is on the Dalton board of trustees.

In a statement, a Dalton spokesman said in part, As part of Dalton’s comprehensive Health curriculum for students, a lesson on Gender & Bodies included two evidence-based and age-appropriate videos approved for students 4 years and older...."

This is one more example of the far left woke LGBT activists infiltrating and corrupting the education system, indoctrinating kids and hiding it from parents.

Conservative critics -- who argued against 5 unelected Supreme Court Justices imposing homosexual marriage and transgender recognition in America -- are now sounding alarm at the brazenness of the far left LGBT activists who have no qualms exposing children to all sorts of degeneracy in the name of tolerance.