Biden Accuser Rips Into CNN, Media Over Their Treatment Of Her Story

Keneci Channel.

Tara Reade said she was disappointed that the liberal media has ignored and downplayed her story.

She alleged that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her when she worked for the then senator in 1993. “His hands were on me and underneath my clothes, and he went down my skirt and then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers and he was kissing me at the same time and he was saying some things to me,” Reade told podcaster Katie Halper.

New evidence also emerged Friday supporting Reade's account of the incident. Her mother mentioned it in a call she made into defunct CNN show 'Larry King Live.'

Since Reade gave a detailed interview and told her story on March 24, the liberal media have studiously ignored the story or when they covered it they tried to whitewash it.

Biden has done over 10 interviews in the media since March 24 without being asked to comment on the allegation. CNN's Anderson Cooper has hosted Biden multiple times and did not not asked him about it even once.

"I really would look to [Anderson Cooper] for answers and I would never do that again. I've lost total respect," Reade told Fox news. She said that shows like Cooper's have a "blatant bias."

Reade revealed that liberal media outlets like CNN and ABC have in the past contacted her, but they did not follow up or write a story on her allegations against Biden.

She also called out liberal women organizations like pro-abortion group 'Planned' parenthood. These groups and their media partners shamelessly smeared now Supreme court Justice Kavanaugh for some baseless allegations against him made by a democrat activist Blasey Ford and others.

Many critics have noted that there are more compelling circumstantial and corroborated pieces of evidence against Biden than anything against Kavanaugh. This fact does not seem to matter to these women groups who aggressively pushed the so-called 'BelieveAllWomen' during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.

“I say back to these women’s organizations, I want the same equal treatment that other survivors have received, no matter who the perpetrator is,” Reade told the Daily Caller.

She also told fox news: "I guess my question is, if this were Donald Trump, would they treat it the same way? If this were Brett Kavanaugh, did they treat it the same way? In other words, it's politics and political agenda playing a role in objective reporting and asking the question."

Reade denounced the democrat party. "Joe Biden is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s championing supposedly women’s rights but in his personal life that is not the way he’s conducted himself,” she told Daily Caller. “I will never be part of the Democratic Party again...I’m not voting in a national election.”