[UPDATE] Joe Biden Doing Better Than Expected In Super Tuesday Primary Elections

Keneci Channel.

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Joe Biden adds Maine to number of states he has won in the super Tuesday primaries bringing the total to 10: Alabama, Norht Carolina, Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Minnesota, Massachussets, Texas, Maine and Tennessee.

In what appears to be a devastating 'brain fart,' during his bumbling victory speech, Joe Biden mixes up wife Jill with his sister.


The number of states won by the now President rises to 8: Alabama, Norht Carolina, Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Minnesota, Massachussets, Texas and Tennessee.

Socialist senator wins Colorado, Vermont, California and Utah.

The result for the state of Maine is too close to call.


Ex-Vice President Joe Biden appears to be performing better than expected as the results of the super-Tuesday democrat presidential primary elections roll in.

Biden is currently winning Alabama, Norht Carolina, Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Minnesota and Tennessee.

Socialist senator Bernie Sanders is winning Colorado and his home state Vermont. He is expected to do better in California and Texas which awards large number of delegates.

There appears to be a high turn out among republican voters even as President Trump is running virtually unoppsed in the republican primary.

This probably indicates high enthusiasm and satisfaction among republican voters with the President's job performance.

In his usual ranting speech, Bernie Sanders said in part, "I don't know what will happen tonight....let's go on to [winning] the white house..." Meanwhile the old socialist is having a really bad election night so far.

The democrat establishment rallied around Joe Biden. The presidential candidates that dropped out, all endorsed the ex-Vice President the night before the election.