Keep The Baby? Nah: Culture Of Death

Keneci Channel

Unless your mind is poisoned and you've been brainwashed, you don't publicly support killing an innocent baby in the womb. Woke LGBTQ degeneracy and culture of death are signs of a dying civilization.

Before you celebrate the advent of a 'new civilization,' think about what awaits you on the other end: Chinese-dominated world in which your 'precious' degenerate causes can lead to your death, and not just some conservatives trolling you on the internet. A civilization in which the rest of the world who do not share your woke beliefs, does not have to fear retaliation from an American left-wing government. Of course an American conservative president would not bother fighting for your woke causes on the world stage.

Are you really too bitter and demented to care for the innocent baby who did not cause your problem? In fact the baby is the result of the most pleasurable moment you had with that partner?

Did the baby play any role in raping you? Why would the innocent baby -- another living entity who already has a unique genetic code, little hands and feet at about 10 weeks -- suffer for what someone else did? If you met a thriving adult who was conceived in rape, what would you say to him or her?

Some women (and men) support abortion because they have done it(and participated in doing it) themselves and feel wrongly that they have to support it.

No you don't have to. The mistake of killing another innocent baby must be prevented. Your story about doing it in the past and now supporting life is a powerful inspiring one. Tell it.

Some wrongly celebrate corporations who pledge to help women kill their babies. Think about that for a minute? Why would a company you work for or a state you live in offer to do that for you? Your imagination is as good as it gets.

In America for example, abortion companies open up centers in mostly black neighborhoods. Could the killing of black babies in the future diminish their political clout in elections? Do black American leaders think about this? Interestingly, new black and Hispanic immigrants in general oppose abortion.

Putting your baby up for adoption is the second best thing you can do for him or her. He or she will thank you for that later in life.

There are pro-life centers that can help you through the 9 months your baby is residing in the womb. Those months are the most nurturing and womanly you would experience in your life. It is miraculous and exceptional. No man will ever experience that in his life. Cherish it. Save the little vulnerable baby. Later in life you will be grateful you did. No man in this world will ever be connected to you as your baby is. It is magical.

No cat, no dog, no pet can ever replace the joy of your smiling baby's face. If it does, then you have a deep psychological problem.

It is better to seek for help keeping your baby, than killing that little innocent one. There is help out there. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. You just have to look.

One silver-lining, we stopped asking "what is a woman?" Briefly