'MillionMAGAMarch:' All-out Brawl After Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters

Keneci Channel

Hundreds of thousands of the president's supporters marched in DC and other cities Saturday, to protest the massive voter fraud in the last presidential election, and to show support for Trump campaign's effort in the courts to discard alleged fraudulent ballots.

In Delray Beach, Florida, several hundred people marched, some carrying signs reading “Count every vote” and “We cannot live under a Marxist government.” In Lansing, Michigan, protesters gathered at the Capitol to hear speakers cast doubt on results that showed Biden winning the state by more than 140,000 votes. Phoenix police estimated 1,500 people gathered outside the Arizona Capitol to protest Biden’s narrow victory in the state. Protesters in Salem, Oregon, gathered at the Capitol.

Over 200 000 participated in the 'Million MAGA March' in DC the nation's capital where they marched to the Supreme Court, amid chants of of “Stop the Steal,” “Count Every Vote," "USA USA USA." They sang the national anthem, held prayer sessions and listened to speeches by prominent conservatives like Georgia Republican newly elected to the U.S. House, Marjorie Taylor Greene,  Texas congressman Louie Gohmert and Infowars founder Alex Jones.

The demonstrations in the nation’s capital were peaceful throughout the day. Then towards the end, violent far left antifa and 'Black Lives Matter' thugs showed up. Things went from peaceful to violent.

Videos circulating online showed the far left thugs assaulting women and children. At one point, DC Metropolitan Police blocked off BLM Plaza so attendees could not go through. Trump supporters -- who had to walk through a gauntlet of BLM, Antifa, and black bloc extremist in order to leave the area--were attacked.

They threatened and harassed an elderly man walking down the street with a scooter. They pushed the scooter down and threw unidentified liquids at him, as they yelled “Get the fuck out of here! You better run motherfucker! You better run motherfucker!”

One video shows a BLM rioter rush in and punch a woman in the back of the head as she was walking away. Another shows a family with children in tears as they are followed and harassed by the antifa extremists.

Another video shows an elderly man surrounded by the far left rioters, and shoved and punched until he fell face first into the street. Bloody and dazed, he was picked up and walked to a police officer.

The far left thugs made their way to BLM Plaza where they attacked people who were eating dinner near the Plaza. They threw projectiles and a large firework.

The extremists continued their rampage unchallenged until they gathered outside a DC Hilton hotel where some of the #MAGAMillionMarch attendees were staying. The antifa-BLM rioters clashed with police officers outside The Capital Hilton. They were reportedly pushed back with pepper spray.

Many watching the event unfold online had been calling out the media for not reporting the violence perpetrated by their left-wing ideological allies. According to The Blaze reporter Elijah Schafer, "Most of the corporate 'press' was on the Antifa side of the barrier near [the Supreme Court] at the Million MAGA March," he wrote on Twitter. "With their cameras pointed at police and Trump supporters while they obeyed orders from Antifa not to film them attacking people. Shows you exactly which side they are on."

Acoording to popular journalist Andy Ngo, "Unable to rush the lobby of The Capital Hilton hotel in DC, a mob of BLM-antifa are standing in the street and shining lights and lasers into the building’s windows."

Apparently, word got out and some of the #MAGAMillionMarch attendees including members of the social fraternal organization 'Proud Boys' mobilized and confronted the antifa-BLM extremists.

Verbal confrontations escalated to all-out brawl between the two sides as members of the Proud Boys over-powered the violent antifa-BLM extremists.

Riot police officers were eventually able to take control of the mayhem after most of the antifa-BLM rioters have fled the area. Police said they made 21 arrests on a variety of charges, including assault and weapons possession, and recovered eight firearms. Four officers were injured.

"ANTIFA SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back," President Trump reacted on Twitter. "Antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent #MAGA People. DC Police, get going — do your job and don’t hold back!!!

"Radical Left ANTIFA SCUM was easily rebuffed today by the big D.C. MAGA Rally crowd, only to return at night, after 99% of the crowd had left, to assault elderly people and families. Police got there, but late. Mayor [Bowser] is not doing her job!"