Red-flag Law: Critics, Tucker Carlson Slam Gun Control Push By Left-wing Lawmakers

Keneci Channel

Following the school shooting in Uvalde Texas, left-wing politicians and media talking heads have ramped up their push for stricter -- and often ineffective -- gun control laws.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced a freeze in handgun ownership. "We're introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership," Trudeau told a news conference, last week. "What this means is that it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in Canada.. In other words, we're capping the market for handguns." The prime minister has famously said that individuals should not be able to defend themselves with guns.

In America, President Joe Biden called for a ban on AR-15 rifles -- one of the most popular rifles in the country -- and other strict gun control measures.

Critics have pointed out that overwhelming majority of shootings have been carried out with handguns, and most of them occur in cities run by left-wing mayors and prosecutors who favor light sentencing of violent criminals, and release those criminals back into the streets.

Left-wing billionaire George Soros funds the election of these mayors and prosecutors in cities across America.

On Sunday, a 'bipartisan' group of Democrat and Republican senators announced an agreement on the framework for a gun control legislation. Among the provisions, is a federal grant program that would encourage states to enact 'red-flag' laws that allow authorities to confiscate guns of people found by a judge to represent a potential threat to themselves or others.

Another provision in the senate framework requires for the first time, that federal criminal background checks for gun buyers younger than 21 include a mandatory search of juvenile justice and mental health records.

Critics called out the dangerous flaws in the senate's proposed gun control measures. Fox News host Tucker Carlson on his show Monday, slammed the red-flag law proposal.

"Under red flag-laws, the government doesn't have to prove you did anything wrong in order to strip you of your most basic rights," the Fox News host said in his opening monologue. "All that's required to punish you is a complaint, possibly even an anonymous complaint in which somebody says you seem dangerous. Now, that complaint doesn't come from a grand jury. It can come from anyone, including someone who hates you or someone who simply doesn't like your politics. It doesn't matter because no jury will ever see it. On the basis of that unproven complaint, you lose your freedom and your ability to defend yourself and your family."

Carlson warned that the Biden administration can abuse such ineffective laws to infringe on the constitutional right of Americans to bear arms. He pointed out that the United States Supreme Court had ruled red-flag laws unconstitutional.

Tucker Carlson also said in part:

The White House now wants Congress to pass a law paying the states to enact red flag laws.

Well, two things you should know. First: Red flag laws will not end mass shootings, but red flag laws will end due process. Due process is a simple concept, but it's the key to everything that is good about America. 

In our system of justice, citizens cannot be punished without first being charged with a crime. Politicians cannot just decide to hurt you, throw you in handcuffs, lock you in jail, seize your property simply because they don't like how you think or how you vote. No. Before they punish you, they have to go through a formal process in which they describe which specific law you broke and exactly how you broke it. They have to prove it.

For serious crimes with big penalties, the government has to convince a group of your fellow citizens first. It's called a grand jury and this government must convince them that you deserve to be punished or they cannot proceed. None of this is new. This is the way we've done things in America for more than 200 years, and it's exactly why we have and have always had the fairest justice system in the world. People move to this country from all over the globe to benefit from it. But red flag laws will end this.

Well, we can take Florida's experience as an example. In Florida, the police can seize guns from people who pose a "significant danger" based on "any relevant evidence." Huh? That's it, any relevant evidence. The law raises some obvious questions, and the most obvious is if you can seize people's guns without proving that they committed a crime, why can't you imprison them without proving they committed a crime? If you can take their guns, why can't you take their homes? Why can't you empty their bank accounts? Oh, sound paranoid? Alex Jones stuff? That just happened in Canada.

What stops it from happening here? We already know the authorities are abusing the red flag laws already on the books. Kendra Parris is a lawyer based in Florida who specializes in them. In a recent interview, she said clients are able to hire lawyers, have "vastly higher" odds of getting their firearms back from the government. 

Of course, laws like this always penalize the weakest. She said courts are taking it "better safe than sorry approach" to avoid political blowback and the police are taking advantage of that. So, court records show that cops in Florida often show up to the homes of citizens who present them with "stipulations." If you agree in writing to surrender your firearms, you have a chance of getting them back after a year. Now, as it happens, that's a pretty tempting offer to offer when you have armed people in your living room. But it is and it remains and again, we don't need to guess about it because the Supreme Court just ruled on this, it's unconstitutional.

Now, how could that possibly happen in this country? Well, the Supreme Court has said unequivocally that it can't happen here. A year ago, the Supreme Court ruled in a case called Caniglia vs Strom. Police in Rhode Island had seized the personal firearms of a 68-year-old man whose wife had called in a complaint against him after they had an argument. That man had committed no crime. He'd never been convicted of a crime, and he was judged by doctors to be sane. And yet the authorities took away his guns anyway.

He sued under the Fourth Amendment and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court. The result was not even close. The Supreme Court sided with the gun owner in that case in a rare nine-zero decision. That means that every justice, liberal and conservative, agreed that authorities cannot just seize your property or throw you in jail because they don't like the way you look or because someone is mad at you. So, red flag laws are unconstitutional, period. We don't need to guess about that. And yet the Biden administration is pushing them anyway. Why? Because they don't care.

How is Joe Biden able to ignore a Supreme Court decision from last year? Simple. He declares an emergency and does what he wants. He's done it before. The White House did the same thing with the eviction moratorium and vaccine mandates last year. "It's an emergency. We don't have time for due process!"

So, you can see why Democrats love emergencies. Nothing gives them more power more quickly. They've declared the atrocities in Uvalde and Buffalo an emergency, unlike the daily mass shootings in Baltimore and Chicago, cities they run and whose killings they therefore assiduously ignore. And on the base of that emergency, they can move forward with gun confiscation.

WATCH Tucker Carlson's monologue on red-flag laws.