The Push-Pull Between The 'New Right' And 'Conservative Inc.'

Keneci Channel


The new Right is a lose coalition of social conservatives, economic nationalists and populists emerging in many western countries from Europe to Latin America. These are people connected by their rejection of the ruling liberal establishment and globalists. They want their governments to focus on improving the lives of their citizens rather than some lofty global issues like climate change. Many in the New Right voted for Brexit in the U/K., Donald Trump in the U.S. and for other right wing or conservative leaders from Europe to Latin America.

Conservative Inc refers to a loose coalition of mostly neoconservatives,  libertarians and in the case of united states, liberal republican party members. They believe the west should  promote American democracy and unfettered globalist "free" market system to the world. On the air waves Conservative Inc is represented by ambitious activists and entrepreneurs who make a living propagating conservative ideas and talking points in various conservative institutions, groups and establishments. They sell a lot of books and give lots of speeches. Most of them mocked and resisted the candidacy of Donald Trump in the last U.S. presidential election. Some of them to varying degrees still resist him today.

The Conservative Inc strongly oppose the rise of the New Right across the west. They insist that the New Right are neither rightists nor conservatives but are mouth-breathing xenophobes and reactionaries who incite hate, antisemitism and racism.

The New Right see the conservative Inc as a corrupt establishment cabal and their sycophants in the media who are only interested in enriching themselves while paying lip service to the advancement of  conservative policies.

On some issues, both sides agree and work together especially when faced with their vicious far left opponents. On other issues, they vehemently disagree. Who wins this push and pull between the two sides will decide the future of right wing politics. Will it tend towards social conservative and economic nationalism? Or will it tend to socially liberal and libertarian economic globalism? This will also depend on the cultural dynamics within each western country.

The more immediate question in United States' case is, will both sides of the conservative Right come together even temporarily, to re-elect Donald Trump? As the "leader" of the free world, this will affect what happens in the rest of the western world.