Transgender Lunacy: Teen Kicked Off Pokémon Tournament Over Pronoun Question

Keneci Channel

Makani Tran revealed on social media he was disqualified from a Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) tournament hosted by Overload Events, in Charlotte, North Carolina, apparently for laughing after being asked his pronouns by a woke judge.

"On our way over to the stream area the judge asked us for our preferred pronouns," Tran wrote. "I said ‘Um he or him or uh’ and I paused trying to think of the third pronoun (the third pronoun being his). As I just stood there looking stupid trying to think of the third pronoun I felt embarrassed because I was failing to think of a simple word. Due to the nerves and me being embarrassed I let out a little laugh just a normal nervous laugh. My response together ended up being ‘Um he or him or uhhhh haha his.’"

The teenager also described a follow-up situation where the judge once again asked him and his fellow player Alex Schemanske for their pronouns.

Tran said he laughed nervously. "The little laugh at the end was because I was trying not to be awkward and because I was just stating the exact thing Alex had just stated, and it was kind of silly to me in that scenario," he wrote.

The judge apparently responded, "Okay just wanted to check to be safe. I go by they/them so don’t be a jerk about it."

After the encounter and prior to a game, Tran said  he was confronted by the head judge who asked him exactly what he said to the previous judge. He explained his answer. The apparently triggered head judge escorted the teenager off the game stage.

"The amount of frustration I felt and still feel is just insane," Tran wrote. "I have NEVER been treated so unbelievably unfairly and had such an opportunity just taken from me. For something I didn’t even do. The judge said that while he believed that I had no bad intentions, it didn’t matter because at the end of the day, someone was offended and upset. This is ridiculous to me, I was very sympathetic for the judge I had upset and never meant to upset them or anyone and all the head judge cared about was that someone was upset and I caused it. I told him that I was also upset and that he just ruined my entire trip and I wouldn’t get over this for a long time."

A friend of Tran has since started a GoFundMe page to help refund his travel expenses.

Reacting to Tran's post, many people on social media slammed mainstream institutions, media and corporations for aiding and abetting divisive and extreme LGBTQ activism radicalizing many vulnerable children and promoting pedophilia. This week, a radical transgender extremist massacred 3 kids and 3 adults at a Christian school in Tennessee.