Navy SEAL Detransitioning, Warns Against Transgender Treatments For Children

Keneci Channel

Chris Beck served in the Navy for 20 years, including on SEAL Team Six. He was deployed 13 times and received more than 50 medals and ribbons for his service. The 56-year-old gained notoriety in 2013 when he spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper about transitioning to a woman.

Beck, in an interview published earlier this month with conservative influencer Robby Starbuck, announced he is detransitioning and called on Americans to "wake up" about how transgender health services are hurting children.

"Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it," Beck, told Starbuck. "Everything that happened to me for the last 10 years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I'm not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help. I take full responsibility. I went on CNN and everything else, and that’s why I’m here right now. I’m trying to correct that... I was used … I was very naive, I was in a really bad way and I got taken advantage of. I got propagandized. I got used badly by a lot of people who had knowledge way beyond me. They knew what they were doing. I didn’t."

Speaking to Fox News Tucker Carlson on Monday, Beck who had for a time been known as Kristen Beck, said "The transgender [issue] originally started out as pretty basic and very rare. And now it's kind of morphed into an ideology. And that's what I'm speaking out about: Thinking about the ideology, I'm not talking about the people -- Now, there's a lot of transgender people out there; great folks. But the ideology as I'm talking about is becoming something where it's being pushed in schools and young teenagers are having surgeries because it says they're transgender. It's an affirmation."

Beck said the he is not at all political, nor is he opposed to or critical of transgender people, He wants potential transitioners to "slow down" and for doctors to take not recommmend such drastic treatments to especially children.

WATCH Chris Beck's appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight