Senator Cruz Raises Concerns Over China's Wuhan Institute Of Virology

Keneci Channel.

The popular US senator from Texas calls for investigation into any potential connection between the virology institute and the coronavirus currently ravaging the world.

Cruz was responding to a question by Michael Knowles the host of the podcast 'Verdict With Ted Cruz,' on whether China should bear the cost of the Wuhanvirus.

The Chinese government reportedly downplayed the severity of the Wuhanvirus and punished health officials who tried to alert the outside world.

The Trump administration also revealed that the Chinese regime also rejected US offer to help them stop the spread of the virus in Wuhan.

Cruz said, "it is undoubtedly true that the communist government of China had direct responsibility for suppressing information....for delaying the world knowing about [the Wuhanvirus]"

"And the World Health Organization, WHO, which in many ways acts as an apologist for the communist government in China, repeated their misinformation....that this coronavirus can't be transmitted by human to human contact," the senator said. "They were repeating Chinese propaganda in January."

Cruz then raised the suspicions surrounding the virology institute in Wuhan. "There also has to be a serious inquiry into the question: is there a connection between the Wuhan Institute of virology and this virus? he asked.

The senator explained that the Institute is one of the thirty two level 4 laboratories in the world that does research into highly contagious diseases.

The senator wonders why the outbreak occured where there is a government lab doing a research into "coronaviruses that have been transmitted through bats."

Cruz said, "if this is a naturally occurring virus, was this naturally occurring virus being stored at the Chinese government research lab in Wuhan? And was it somehow transmitted?"

Senator Cruz blasted the media for calling such concerns conspiracy theories. Michael Knowles agreed that the media calls anyone who raised such concerns, "whacky conspiracy theorist."

Watch the video.