Trump Stands By Report He Downplayed Wuhanvirus: We didn't Want Panic

Keneci Channel

The president defended comments he made in a report by liberal author Bob Woodward, that he downplayed the severity of the wuhanvirus earlier this year.

In audio clip released by the liberal author, Trump said: "I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic."

Reacting to the report at a White House event, the president derided it as “just another political hit job.”

Trump stood by his comments which he has also made publicly in the past. "You cannot show a sense of panic," he said.

“I’m a cheerleader for this country,” Trump said. “I love our country. And I don’t want people to be frightened. I don’t want to create panic as you say. Certainly I’m not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to show confidence, we want to show strength, we want to show strength as a nation. That’s what I’ve done. We’ve done very well.”

Earlier at the White House press briefing, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended the president's comments. “When you are facing insurmountable challenges, it is important to express confidence, it is important to express calm, she said.

“He makes clear that he doesn’t want to see chaos, by the way, which is the second part of the quote which you failed to read,” McEnany continued.

"The president just days after having this discussion with Bob Woodward, said this from this podium, on March 30, he said, ‘I do want them to stay calm, we are doing a great job, if you look at the individual statements they are all true, stay calm, it will go away but it's important to stay calm,’” the press secretary said. “So this president does what leaders do -- good leaders -- it’s stay calm and resolute at a time when you face an insurmountable challenge.”