Tucker Blasts "Creepy Old Guy" Obama For Pushing For Corona-vaccination Of Kids

Keneci Channel

The Fox News host on his show Monday railed against left-wing government bureaucrats and media who are pushing for the wuhanvirus vaccination to be forced on everyone.

Former president Barack Obama released a video PSA encouraging children to get the vaccine. "The vaccine is safe," the far left law professor assured viewers. "It’s effective. It’s free. I got one. Michelle got one. People you know got one. And now, you can get one too. The only way we’re going to get back to all the things we love — from safely spending time with grandparents to going to concerts and watching live sports. So get the vaccine as soon as you can."

Carlson wondered why the former president is pushing for vaccination of children without understanding the full effects on them.

"Some creepy old guy telling your children, your little kids to take medicine with effects we don’t fully understand," the Fox News host said sarcastically. "Totally normal. That happens every day. Don’t ask questions. Just do it. CNN explained recently we’re not getting our freedom back until you do."

Carlson also called out government bureaucrats, left-wing media talking heads and academics who are all pushing the government, corporations and schools to enforce vaccination mandate.

WATCH full Tucker Carlson's monologue above.