Piers Morgan Calls Out Mainstream Media Hypocrisy On Mike Bloomberg Coverage

Keneci Channel.

Piers Morgan said mainstream media is promoting US presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg because "they wanna get rid of Donald Trump."

Speaking to Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News, Morgan slammed Mike Bloomberg's decision to bar his own news organization's reporters from investigating him or other democrat candidates while allowing them to continue to investigate Trump.

"So you're gonna have the potential front runner, maybe the nominee for democrat party who's in charge of this massive news organization, basically ordering a hit on Donald Trump, and a protective blanket around himself and perhaps any other democratic candidate," Morgan said.

He continued, "that's an appalling abuse of power and is degrading to every journalist that works at Bloomberg News."

Morgan said he finds it incredible there is not more outrage about this in the media.

"I cannot believe there is not more of a furore about this amongst mainstream media. until I remember the mainstream media is so pathologically opposed to Donald Trump, and so desperate to get rid of him, that they're prepared to tolerate effectively the gagging of Bloomberg news in a way that even Vladimir Putin probably wouldn't try."

Responding to Tucker Carlson's question about why no one at Bloomberg news has resigned, Morgan said "I cannot understand why any self-respecting Bloomberg news journalist has not already walked out the door."

Tucker Carlson and Piers Morgan agreed that mainstream media reporters are partisan hypocrites.