Andrew 'Top G' Tate versus Big Tech Censors

Keneci Channel

The American-British entrepreneur and internet personality has apparently become too famous for Big Tech globalist dorks. He has been banned from Instagram and Facebook, following similar bans from TikTok, YouTube and Twitter.

Andrew and his brother Tristan Tate recently became the most popular and controversial people on the internet because of their edgy and unapologetic message encouraging men to embrace their masculinity, work hard and create wealth.

Tate, 35, was a former kickboxing champion, and the son of late American chess champion Emory Tate.

The flashy and outspoken entrepreneur has faced harsh criticisms for his rhetoric about women and relationships which they claim is misogynistic. His fans however argue that he mixes his important men-focused message with exaggerated rhetorical flourish merely to get more people to pay attention -- a strategy that seems to have worked for him.

Tate's critics which include anti-free speech and left-wing activists and groups, have been campaigning aggressively for months to get tech platforms to de-platform him. They accused him of beating up a woman and kidnapping. Both allegations turned out to be false. But as usual, far-left media outlets and social media commentators didn't bother to check the facts.

“We terminated channels associated with Andrew Tate for multiple violations of our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service, including our hate speech policy,” YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi said on Monday, after banning channels associated with Tate, including the channel TateSpeech, which had over 744,000 subscribers. “If a channel is terminated, the uploader is unable to use, own or create any other YouTube channels.”

Tate this week, responded to the bans in a 73 minute-long video.

“The public consciousness has been polluted to where narratives are being purported, which are absolutely and utterly false, and it’s having a genuinely negative impact on the people I care about, and the people who care about me,” he said in part. “A lot of these attacks against me are disguised under the virtue of caring about women. But none of these people attacking me care about women. None of them donate to women’s charities. None of them donate to charity like I do.”

Tate urged his fans to “please explain the truth in a respectful manner” to his critics and said that “any remaining social media channels” of his will be dedicated toward charitable causes.