Bill Maher Says Woke Leftists Have Lost All Common Sense

Keneci Channel

The 66-year-old left-wing comedian and host of HBO's Real Time, made the remarks during an appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience,JRE podcast published Tuesday. He lamented Democrat party's extreme woke ideological shift to the left, and their support for absurd ideas like 'men can get pregnant,' 'abolish the police' and support for looting and violent riots.

“We are both seen as people who are commonsensical and that is what there is a hunger for," Maher told host Joe Rogan "I think in America, more than anything, is common sense. Away from the extremes. When people say to me ‘Don’t you think you’ve gotten more conservative?’ No, I haven’t. The left has gotten goofier. So I seem more conservative, maybe, but it’s not me who’s changed. I’m always saying to the Democrats ‘just don’t be the party of no common sense.’ And you will be surprised with all the amazing success you will have as opposed to what’s going to happen, which is they’re going to get their ass kicked in November.”

Maher said late night television used to be apolitical, but now it has to “pander to the liberal audience.”

“Now, you couldn’t survive, apparently, on late night television unless you are political,” Maher said. “Unless the audience knows exactly, and I would put Saturday Night Live in this too, I think Elon Musk took them to task. He said it doesn’t seem like a show that’s about comedy anymore so much as it is about declaring some woke doctrine.”

Rogan praised Maher who he said represents what it means to be liberal given that he is a “normal person” believing in equal rights, but has become rare in current society. He said Maher has the “courage” of speaking his mind on national television.

WATCH Bill Maher remarks on JRE