BRUTAL: Trump Campaign Lawyer Destroys CNN Far Left Host Brian Stelter

Keneci Channel

Stelter invited Tump campaign Lawyer Jenna Ellis to discuss the cease and desist letter the campaign sent to CNN last week, demanding they retract a fake poll published recently by the far left network.

“The only reason CNN published this because it’s junk science,” Ellis said. The poll -- which under-sampled Republicans and included just adults instead of likely voters -- showed Trump down 14 points vs. democrat nominee Joe Biden.

She said CNN would not have published the poll had the results been the reverse -- Trump leading.

The interview went off the rails when the far left host started interrupting Ellis.

They also debated a libel suit filed earlier this year by the campaign against CNN over an opinion piece that contained "provably false information." She asked Stelter whether it is ever OK to publish provably false statements, even in opinion columns. The CNN host dodged.

As the interview gets heated, Stelter seemed outmatched and way in over his head. “Someday, you‘re going to regret this when your kids and grandkids look back at this time,” he cried. Ellis fired back, "You’re not a journalist Brian, you’re a [democrat] activist.”

WATCH the epic exchange for yourself.