Leftists Rage Against Dr. Phil For His Comments On Harmful Effects Of Corona-shutdown

Keneci Channel.

The popular TV talk show host and psychologist said that there may be more lives destroyed by the wuhanvirus shutdown - if it remains in place longer than necessary - than by the virus itself.

Dr. Phil on Fox news Laura Ingram's show Thursaday night discussed the long-term health risks of extreme isolation. “This is invisible. I can’t show you an X-ray of depression. I can’t show you an X-ray of anxiety,” he said, responding to Ingraham's concerns that government scientists may not have considered such adverse effects of the shutdown measures they recommended.

He continued, "but the fact of the matter is, the longer this lockdown goes on the more vulnerable people get and it’s like there’s a tipping point. There’s a point at which people start having enough problems in lockdown that it will actually create actually more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.”

Dr. Phil also cited statistics on the high number of people that die yearly as a result of poverty, automobile and "swimming pool" accidents. “But we don’t shut the country down for that!” he said.

Ingraham expressed concern over the fate of business owners due to the shutdown: ” I come from a family that owned a small business, a car wash. And I’m always — my heart is always with the people who get, you know, frankly, screwed. I hate that word, screwed, in situations like this, but the restaurateurs, their employees are their family. That’s their family. They’ve had the same employees for 30 years. And these are grown men in tears and they are like — I can’t believe — and these are grown men. And I’ve never seen this. I’ve never witnessed this before. Ever.”

Responding, Dr. Phil lamented the many restaurant owners who had to throw out their produce as the effects of shutdown stifled businesses: “when it happened they got no warning. Some of them had just received huge orders of perishable foods. They didn’t even have time to give it away. They have these people that have worked for them for 20 or 30 years. And they can’t afford to keep them on. And they can’t do takeout at a lot of these restaurants, they are not geared for that. And so people are just at home and, of course, it’s a perfect storm, Laura, because here you’ve got people that are in isolation. That creates problems. Loneliness actually create problems.” 

It didn't take long for 'Dr. Phil' to start trending on twitter as triggered leftists took to social media to attack the talk show host.

Andre Marin @Ont_AndreMarin tweeted, "Dr. Phil is a #fraud. Not any kind of doctor. Hollywood fabrication."

Rolling Stone @RollingStone asked, "Why is anyone still asking Dr. Phil for his opinion?"

The 'thigh-high boot' girl Lauren Duca @LaurenDuca chimed in, "not to brag but I stopped taking Dr. Phil seriously when he made an entire show out of shaming teenagers."

There much more vile comments directed at the talk show host.

Dr. Phil in a bid to quiet down the unhinged reactions, briefly addressed the 'controversy' towards the end of his youtube show on Friday:  “Just to follow up on those of you who had comments on my appearance on Laura Ingraham’s show last night, If you didn’t like my choice of words, I apologize for that ... If you don’t like my choice of words, hit the eject button on those. But don’t ever think I’m not concerned about you. And I know that the longer we stay in quarantine, the more psychological issues we’ll have.”