Tucker: Biden Using Vaccine Mandate To Purge Military Of Christian Patriots

Keneci Channel

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday night, slammed the Biden administration for its coronavirus vaccine mandate in the United States military.

Carlson made the comments as part of a monologue on his show Tucker Carlson Tonight, discussing the left's ploy to take total control of the military and purge its senior rank of any anti-woke patriotic opposition.

The Fox News host argued that just as the Biden administration played up bogus claims of a so-called white supremacy problem in the military, the administration has come up with a new test to further identify and purge anyone from the military who refuse to submit to the left's propaganda on the coronavirus vaccine.

Carlson said in part:

"So what’s the scientific justification for this? Well, of course, there isn’t any. The fighting strength of the military is young, healthy people, virtually all of them at extremely low risk of dying from COVID. In fact, to this day, only 46 members of the entire U.S. military have died from the coronavirus, over the last year and a half. Suicides kill many, many more. In just a few months last year, 156 service members killed themselves. So military suicide is an actual crisis the Pentagon might want to address.”

Without any obvious scientific justification for a coronavirus vaccine mandate in the military, the Fox News host concluded that: “The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the freethinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who doesn’t love Joe Biden, and make them leave immediately. It’s a takeover of the U.S. military.”

Carlson also showed a creepy PowerPoint material used by the Army to justify Biden's vaccine mandate to the troops.

“This is an actual slide from it on your screen. You will notice there, the sympathetic portrayal of Satanism. ‘How many children were sacrificed to Satan because of the vaccine?’ the slide reads, apparently sarcastically. Then the presentation proceeds to list the so called tenets of Satanism which are taken from the Temple of Satanism website. So here you have the United States Army doing P.R. For satanists.”

The Fox News host pointed out the presentation’s false claim that just three people have died from taking the vaccine, noting that, “Reports collected by the Biden administration itself indicate it is actually in the thousands.”

WATCH Tucker Carlson's full monologue