Tucker Calls Out Fauci, Left-wing Bureaucrats For Lying About Coronavirus Origins

Keneci Channel

The Fox News host was reacting to the recently revealed emails showing that US top government epidemiologist Anthony Fauci lied to the world about coronavirus research and origins and the efficacy of masks.

Tucker Carlson said that even after a group of Chinese scientists, working on the ground at the scene of the outbreak of the coronavirus, came to the conclusion that the novel coronavirus probably escaped from the government lab in Wuhan, the corrupt left-wing media establishment, bureaucrats, scientists and big tech did all they could to smear and shutdown reports and anyone who dared to explore the lab leak theory.

Carlson said in part:

Of course, COVID escaped from a Chinese virology lab. Duh. Did you really think it came from the wet market? Come on. That was the new consensus. An avalanche of evidence followed. The Wall Street Journal confirmed that the first COVID victims seem to have been researchers working with bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. BuzzFeed obtained thousands of emails showing that Tony Fauci knew from the beginning that COVID may have been manufactured in China in dangerous experiments he helped pay for. The lab leak theory, it turns out, was never crazy. It was always likely true.  

So why did they lie to us about it for so long? A shocking new piece in, of all places, the celebrity suck-up magazine Vanity Fair, answers that question in great detail. You should read it. 

In short, many research scientists are addicted to tax dollars. If the public understood just how recklessly they’ve behaved — endangering the entire world with their weird little experiments in poorly relegated labs in China — the money might dry up. As a former NSC official called Jamie Metzl put it, "If the pandemic started as part of a lab leak, it had the potential to do to virology what Three Mile Island and Chernobyl did to nuclear science."  

Can’t have that. Got to keep the money flowing. So they lied about it. And then they intimidated anyone who told the truth.  

That included the director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, who received death threats from scientists after he suggested the virus came from a lab.

WATCH the rest of Tucker Carlson's monologue.