Tucker Carlson Rips Into The Left's Blatant Abortion Lies

Keneci Channel

The Fox News host discussed some of the testimonies at a United States House Oversight Committee hearing this week on abortion.

Carlson mocked pro-abortion extremist Maleeha Aziz who absurdly claimed at the hearing that 'men' can also get pregnant.

"We don’t want to exclude anyone," Carlson said sarcastically after playing a clip of Aziz' comments. "It turns out that even in 2021, there are still people out there claiming that only women get pregnant. They’d better stop claiming that, or else."

The Fox News host reported that a conservative Daily Wire writer Amanda Presto, was recently censored by Twitter for tweeting that "Demanding others call you by your preferred pronouns and growing out your hair doesn't make you a woman. Stop demeaning womanhood."

Carlson also played a clip from the House hearing of another far-left pro-abortion extremist Gloria Steinem falsely claiming that late German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Italian fascist leader Mussolini banned abortion during their reign.

The Fox News host corrected the record, saying in part:

Gloria Steinem was always pretty dumb, but back when she was 35, nobody noticed. But rewriting history, can’t let you do that. Sorry, you’re not Wikipedia. 

In fact, Hitler was an enthusiastic eugenicist, just like the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. Hitler encouraged abortion. According to almost everyone who has studied this - Jeffrey Tuomala, for example, a law professor who's written extensively about the Nuremberg Trials - Hitler, like Gloria Steinem, supported abortion, not just as a matter of physical autonomy, but as a means of keeping women working and contributing to the economy. 

"The Nazis preferred that the Eastern workers not become pregnant so they would not be taken out of the workforce They took measures to identify pregnant workers and to encourage or pressure them into making use of the abortion services the Nazis provided."

Oh, does that sound familiar? Once again the goal is to reduce women to wage slaves. It is more virtuous to work at JP Morgan than it is to be a mother. That’s what they’re telling you.

WATCH tTucker Carlson's full monologue.