WATCH: Meghan McCain Calls Out Far Left CNN Host's Hypocrisy

Keneci Channel

Bald CNN's far left host Brian Stelter, who has become the butt of Fake News jokes on social media, was roundly mocked Wednesday for his absurdly hypocritical comment during his appearance on ABC's talk show The View.

The fat host was on the show to hawk his new anti-Trump, anti-Fox News book. However, The View's popular co-host Meghan McCain turned the table on the clueless CNN bald boy.

Fox News host earlier in the month aired audio clips of phone calls revealing corrupt political co-ordinations between convicted attorney Michael Cohen, CNN chief Jeff Zucker, and host Chris Cuomo.

It was also recently revealed that another CNN far left host Jake Tapper tried to dissuade Republican Sean Parnell from running against Democrat Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb.

McCain confronted Stelter with this obvious corrupt behind-the-scene conduct by CNN staff.

“There are some ethical questions that are being thrown around about CNN lately,” said the cohost. “There is 2016 audio of your president, Jeff Zucker, offering debate advice to President Trump that was released. Jake Tapper was recently caught, allegedly, trying to influence a congressional election. And I had serious problems with the way Chris Cuomo had a recurring primetime, sort of comic routine with his brother,” a reference to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D). “Do you believe that this is acceptable?”

Stelter shamelessly skated over the questions raised by McCain and accused her of cherry-picking "storylines" based on the Cohen tapes.

"I’m not a spokesperson for … CNN,” he said. “It’s not for me to comment on these tapes. Here is what I think is sad, though. I think it’s sad that private conversations get leaked out, get distorted and then, you know, they become polarized and weaponized,” Stelter continued. “That’s the environment we’re in, and that’s sad. You know, if our text messages or if my phone calls with friends were suddenly taken out of context and distorted -- let me put it this way, I think the Trump age has ruined a lot of friendships. I think that’s really sad.”

Critics pointed out that CNN hosts including Stelter report with glee any leaked tape they deem damaging to Trump or Republicans.

Another The Views co-host Sara Haines brought up how Stelter writes about the lack of distinction between opinion and journalism on Fox News. She asked the bald CNN host if this lack of distinction even on his network, "contributes to the misinformation and the extreme divisiveness we're seeing in politics today?"

Stelter absurdly claims he tries not to be "part of that problem." He defend bashing Trump in his monologues as “cutting through the noise and getting to the news.”

"The reason we have these monologues is it's the best way to cut through all the noise and get to the news," the CNN far left host said. "To say, for example, the media is not the enemy of the American people or the enemy of Republicans. It's the enemy of liars, and we can debunk lies through these essays. It's an issue, and it sometimes all sounds like opinion even though I think what we're doing is trying to get perspective on the news, trying to defend truth and decency and democracy which frankly wasn't as necessary five years ago as it is today."

WATCH the exchange here,