Tucker Carlson


HILARIOUS: Tucker Mocks Jill Biden's Dissertation Amid 'DoctorGate' Controversy

Keneci Channel

The Fox News host Wednesday night, ripped into presidential candidate Joe Biden's wife Jill and her supporters who insist that the former Second Lady should still use the 'Doctor' title before her name, despite not being a medical doctor.

Wall Street Journal published an op-ed last week encouraging her not to use the 'Dr' title.

Carlson scrutinized Jill's doctorate dissertation which she earned in 2007 from the University of Delaware. He pointed out nonsensical inconsistencies in parts of the dissertation.

“Dr. Jill needs reading glasses,” Carlson said. “Either that or she’s borderline illiterate. There are typos everywhere including in the first graph of the introduction. Dr. Jill can’t write. She can’t really think clearly either.

“The whole thing is just incredibly embarrassing and not simply to poor illiterate Jill Biden but to the college that considered this crap scholarship, embarrassing in fact to our entire system of higher education, to the nation itself.

WATCH full clip of Carlson's monologue on Jill Biden and the 'DoctorGate' controversy


TUCKER: Soros Is Part Of The Reason Why Many Lives Are Being Ruined In American Cities

Keneci Channel

In a revealing monologue the Fox News Host, blasts elected local left-wing politicians who seem to care more about not punishing criminals than keeping law-abiding citizens safe.

Carlson slammed left-wing billionaire and Democrat donor George Soros:

He became extraordinarily rich by finding ways to exploit the weaknesses in systems that he did not build himself

Soros began funding politicians and political initiatives that had very little popular support. But because so few were paying attention to what he was doing, he often got his way. On those rare occasions when Soros was criticized for subverting our democracy, he and his allies in the media claimed bigotry. According to them, Soros was yet another oppressed billionaire victim of discrimination. That tactic worked, because it always works, so he kept doing it.

If you're wondering why so many people are being robbed, raped and killed in American cities right now, George Soros is part of the reason. Soros has funded the campaigns of left-wing extremists in district attorney races in cities like Philadelphia, St. Louis, Chicago, and Boston. Traditionally, a prosecutor's job is to enforce the law, but Soros wanted rigid ideologues who would instead let murderers and rapists go free while allowing our society to degrade and collapse.

WATCH Tucker Carlson's monologue


Tucker: Top US Government And  Business Leaders Compromised By The Chinese Government

Keneci Channel

Fox News Tucker Carlson Monday night, reported the covert influence operations the Chinese regime carry out with the help of United Stated citizens and top business leaders.

Carlson argued that instead of the Russians who Democrat leaders falsely accuse Trump of colluding with, China is the most dangerous threat facing America.

Here is Carlson's report in part.

Russia never had the power or the money to control our government, and there's no evidence they even tried. But that doesn't mean that there was no collusion. 

In fact, top leaders in American government and business have been compromised by a foreign power that seeks to undermine our country and our democratic system. It turns out that many of the very people who ranted so hysterically about Russia  were doing precisely what they claimed to decry. They were working on behalf of our chief global rival, the government of China.

The Russia hoax, effectively, was a diversion. It hid something that is not a hoax at all, but is real and threatening to all of us. We're going to spend the foreseeable future reporting on the relationship between America's political and financial elites and the communist government of China that has made many of them very rich.

Carlson then played a video of a speech by Di Dongsheng, a Chinese professor at Renmin University in Beijing, bragging about the communist regime's connections to top American business leaders and Democrat politicians.

Dongsheng claimed in part: "At the top of America's core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends."

Carlson also interviewed the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe who in a recent op-ed warned about the grave threat that China poses to America.

WATCH the full report by Tucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson Says The Election Was Rigged Against Trump

Keneci Channel

The Fox News host, Monday night, declared that the last presidential election was rigged by left-wing media and big tech against President and candidate Donald Trump.

Carlson said that there are legitimate concerns about the security of the electronic voting systems and the now discredited Dominion software running in most of the voting systems used in the battleground states that the Trump campaign is litigating against.

Here is the text of part of Carlson's monolgue

Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting. It never will be as secure. Voters can see this, because it's obvious, and it makes them nervous. And why wouldn't it make them nervous? Our leaders have given us every reason not to trust technology. The people now telling us to stop asking questions about voting machines are the same ones who claimed that our phones weren't listening to us. They lie. We all know that.

Other countries don't use electronic voting because they know it undermines confidence in democracy. A system cannot function if no one trusts the vote. That's true here, too, as we're finding out. Going forward, we need to find out exactly what happened in this month's presidential election, no matter how long it takes the investigation to unfold or how much it costs.

Once we get answers from that investigation, we ought to revert immediately to the traditional system of voting, the one that served our democracy for hundreds of years. What we're doing now is not working. That's an understatement. As of Monday night, the state of New York still hadn't managed to count the votes in five House races thanks to mail-in voting. That's a disaster, and we should stop pretending that it's not.

But we also shouldn't let our focus on voting machines distract us from all that happened earlier this month. The 2020 presidential election was not fair, and no honest person would claim that it was. The system was rigged against one candidate and in favor of another, and not in ways that were hidden from view.

The media openly colluded with the Democratic nominees. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to explain what they would do if they were elected. That's never happened before in any presidential election in American history, but the media allowed them to do it.

At the same time, beginning in the spring, Democrats used our public health emergency for nakedly partisan ends. They punished Trump supporters for trying to gather, but they exempted their own activists -- rioters and vandals from Black Lives Matter and Antifa -- from the COVID lockdowns entirely. The restrictions they did enforce crushed America's small businesses, the heart of the Republican Party, while making their own donors fantastically richer. Jeff Bezos alone saw his net worth jump by more than $70 billion during the pandemic.

Then, Democrats used the coronavirus to change the system of voting. They vastly increased the number of mail-in ballots because they knew their candidates would benefit from less secure voting. And they were right. They used the courts to neutralize the Republican Party's single most effective get out the vote operation, which for generations had been the National Rifle Association. Not enough has been written about this, but anyone on the ground saw it. Thanks to legal harassment from the left, the NRA played a vastly reduced role in this election, and that made a huge difference in swing states like Pennsylvania and others.

But above all, Democrats harnessed the power of Big Tech to win this election. Virtually all news and all information in the English-speaking world travels through a single company, Google. A huge percentage of our political debates take place on Facebook and Twitter. If you use technology to censor the ideas that people are allowed to express online, ultimately, you control how the population votes. And that's exactly what they did. They rigged the election in front of all of us and nobody did anything about it.

WATCH Carlson's monologue


Tucker: Only America's Unhappy Rich Women Care About Biden's Woke Agenda

Keneci Channel

The Fox News host looks into Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden's agenda, which the left-wing media failed to do throughout their 2020 election campaign coverage.

Carlson wrote in part:

"So what exactly is going on behind this news blackout veiling Joe Biden from public view? Well, pretty much exactly what you expect: They are busy rewarding the forces of repression that made these election results possible.

Guess who's first in line? You guessed it, the tech monopolies. They did their job. They shutdown one side, protected the other. And now it's time for the reward. In one of his first acts as president elect, Joe Biden named a man called Ron Klain to be his chief of staff. Now, Klain worked for Biden before and is a close ally. That's the story that you've read about why he got the job.

But that's not why he got the job. Ron Klain is also a lobbyist for Big Tech. Four years ago, he joined the executive council of Silicon Valley's lobbying arm in Washington.  Ron Klain was not chosen for his success as a public servant. We know that because last year, he acknowledged that the Obama administration, where he was a senior official, totally mishandled the swine flu pandemic, the one that came before this one.

What matters is that Ron Klain is on the right side of Silicon Valley. As we've told you before, this is not an incoming presidential administration. This is a corporate takeover of the country. Joe Biden's transition advisers include executives from Uber, Visa, Capital One, Airbnb, Amazon, the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation and the nonprofit run by Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Are you surprised? No, you're not.

According to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal, at least 40 members of the Biden transition team announced earlier this week either were or are registered lobbyists. You won't be shocked to learn that the government of China looks on at all this and is highly pleased. A weak, divided America obsessed with narcissistic identity politics is good for them and very different from them.

In the United States, we're told your identity is the most important thing. They don't think that in China, in China, they think their country is the most important thing. And that's why they're winning.  On Election Day, markets in China crashed when returns showed Donald Trump leading in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The Chinese currency plunged 1.4% against the dollar early Wednesday morning, the largest single-day drop in nearly three years. And then when the news changed, when votes started coming in for Joe Biden, the Chinese markets immediately recovered. Was there a connection? You bet there was. The Chinese government is happy now. 

Joe Biden has announced that as president he will not deport a single illegal alien from this country in his first 100 days. It doesn't matter who they are, it doesn't matter what they've done. It doesn't matter whether they were convicted of crimes such as rape and murder or not. Literally, they can all stay here.

This is great news if you're Silicon Valley. The tech companies wanted this because they rely on cheap labor. But for the rest of us, what's the upside exactly? By the way, if you live anywhere along the U.S.-Mexico border, good luck to you. Also, don't bother locking your doors or pining for a border wall or thinking that immigration restrictions might improve your life.

If Democrats wind up controlling the Senate, they will give amnesty to every illegal alien in this country. That's more than 20 million people, and they'll be on a pathway to citizenship immediately. We know that because Joe Biden's already called for it.

That would be the biggest change of our lifetimes, but it's just the beginning. "Tucker Carlson Tonight" has exclusively obtained a memo from the Glover Park Group, a lucrative Washington lobbying shop with ties to Joe Biden.

The memo outlines Biden's chief priorities, including financial aid for illegal aliens, a big increase in refugee resettlement, and more taxpayer funding for critical race theory indoctrination.

Who is for this stuff? Well, America's unhappy rich ladies. They're the ones who got Biden elected, and they love this stuff. It comes at no cost to them and it makes them feel virtuous. But what policies like that do for everyone else? How does resettling refugees in the country and critical race theory make the middle class more secure, happier or richer? How does it put your kids through college?"