Black Cardinal Slams BLM For Destroying The Black Society

Keneci Channel

The 'Black Lives Matter' riots and looting following the death of George Floyd has caused death and destruction in Democrat-run African American neighborhoods which were already battered by decades of violence and failed liberal policies.

The angry white far left marxist thugs and unhinged women have used BLM to push their extreme anti-American destructive agendas -- LGBT, tearing down statues, destruction of the family unit etc.

These agendas runs contrary to the culturally conservative life of the black community before the democrat party took power in their cities.

Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, the archbishop of Durban, South Africa has had enough. This past weekend called out BLM. 

Napier tweeted, "A brief study of the founding statement of “Black Lives Matter” indicates the movement is being hijacked by the interests and parties committed to dismantling the very values, structure and institutions which have over the centuries undergird the best civilisations and cultures!"

The Cardinal later added, "Another crucial test of the authenticity of the Black Lives Matter movement will be its stance vis a vis Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Industry!

The same test applies when assessing the sincerity of those who voice thunderous condemnation against Domestic Violence, (erroneously called “Gender based Violence) as opposed to the absolute silence concerning Violence inflicted upon Babies in their mother’s womb!"

As Blexit Founder Candace Owen said, the abortion industry, and the eugenicist Planned Parenthood, has targeted blacks in particular for elimination in the womb.

Napier has joined a growing list of christian leaders who are warning christians about the BLM movement.

Texas Bishop Strickland raised concerns over BLM 'What We Believe' page which states "We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

Bishop Strickland tweeted, "Please educate yourself on this! Toward the end of this statement 2 points are made that are contrary to FAITH...#1 opposing the nuclear family (where is dad?) and #2 opposing God’s plan for sex as a union of male & female. This agenda is DANGEROUS!"

Other influential African Americans including athletes have also spoken out against BLM.

Ex-NFL player Marcellus Wiley recently asked on Fox Sports, "Being a father and a husband, that’s my mission in life right now. How do I reconcile that with this, the [BLM] mission statement that says, 'We dismantle the patriarchal practice. We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.'?"

Conservative critics of BLM have rightly pointed out that the movement is a far left white marxist group devoted to destroying western civilization. This is evident in their policy aims and the fact that most of the rioters on the streets are unhinged and angry white liberals tearing down statues and screaming pro-LGBT, pro-abortion and anti-white screeds.

None of those will improve the lives of African Americans.