WOKE DETOX: Veteran Democrat Blames Far-left "Lunacy" For Election Losses

By Keneci Channel

Following massive election losses Tuesday by Democrats across America, prominent voices in the left-wing party has been playing the blame game. While the far-left activist faction blames President Biden's failures, senior party leaders and commentators blame the woke far-left Marxists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her so-called 'the squad.'

“What went wrong?” PBS' Newshour host Judy Woodruff asked veteran Democrat operative James Carville.

The long time Democrat slammed far-left anti-police activists who riot and destroy historical symbols, blaming them for Democrat election losses even in predominantly left-wing cities.

“What went wrong was this stupid wokeness,” said Carville. “Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis, even look at Seattle, Washington. I mean, this defund the police lunacy, this ‘take Abraham Lincoln’s name off schools, people see that."

The veteran operative said the woke left has had a “suppressive effect” for Democrats in races across the country which led to election losses in Democrat-controlled states like Virginia and New Jersey. He pointed out that the Republican candidates ran on issues important to voters while Democrats got caught in "left-wing nonsense."

“Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something,” Carville continued. “They’re expressing language people just don’t use and there’s a backlash and a frustration at that. Suburbanites in northern Virginia [and] New Jersey, you know, pulled away a little bit. Youngkin never ran any ads against Biden.”

He also slammed the LGBT 'pronoun police' who care more about changing dictionary meanings. He noted that Republican Glenn Youngkin who won in Virginia didn't have to do much but let Democrats self-destruct.

Carville said Youngkin “just let the Democrats pull the pin and watch the grenade go off on them. And we’ve got to change this and not be about changing dictionaries, and change laws. And these faculty lounge people that sit around mulling about I don’t know what, they’re not working. Look what happened in Buffalo, again, Seattle, I think the Republicans may have won a city attorney’s race in Seattle, the autonomous zone. Who could even think of something that stupid?”

“I’ve got news for you,” he said, addressing certain activist Democrats. “You’re hurting the party. You’re hurting the very people you want to help."

Carville concluded by basically telling woke Democrats that they 'suck.'

"These people have got to understand, they're not popular around the country," Carville warned. "People don't like 'em"

He said they have to understand that they are "annoying people."

WATCH James Carville full remarks.