Joe Rogan Debates Abortion With Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon

Keneci Channel

The debate over abortion in the United States came to a head last June after the Supreme Court overturned past Roe v. Wade ruling, leaving abortion regulation to the states.

During an appearance on Joe Rogan Experience podcast published this week, Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon discussed abortion and the supreme court ruling.

Rogan a liberal Democrat has said he is pro-abortion and has no problem living the decision to kill an innocent baby up to the pregnant woman. He expressed concerns over having a 14-year-old woman carry and give birth to a baby. "If a 14-year-old child gets raped, you say that they have to carry that baby?" he asked.

Dillon responded: "I don't think two wrongs make a right.... I don't think murder fixes a rape."

The two also debated the inception of life. Pro-Life advocates argue that life begins at the moment of conception since it's that zygote and fetus that later become a full human adult. "Once life is begun, I don't think you draw lines[on when it's okay to kill the baby]" Dillon argued.

"I would lay it out like this, I would say:

It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human life;

Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human life;

Therefore abortion is wrong."

Pro-abortion advocates ague that the baby is just a 'clump of cells' and not a real human life in the womb.

Dillon pointed out that Big Tech platforms wrongly censor and consider jokes on Babylon Bee 'harmful misinformation,' arguing that calling the unborn baby a 'clump of cells' is the real harmful misinformation, because "you're encouraging people to kill it like it's nothing."

The Babylon Bee CEO also argues that calling abortion 'healthcare' as pro-abortion extremists do, is like calling rape, 'love-making.' "This a procedure that ends a human life," he said.

Rogan admitted that abortion is a difficult issue involving innocent human life. "Life is valuable," Rogan said. He noted that there are some people who were almost aborted but "went on to become these amazing people."

WATCH Joe Rogan and Seth Dillon discuss abortion.