Tucker Blasts Weak Democrat Leaders And Dithering Trump Officials Amid Left-wing ANTIFA Riots

Keneci Channel.

In a blistering monologue Monday night, Fox news Tucker Carlson tore into corrupt and weak democrat leaders over their handling of the ongoing riots following the death of George Floyd.

In the 27 minutes monologue, featuring clips of some of the most atrocious actions of left-wing ANTIFA terrorists, Carlson declared, "When the mobs came, they abandoned us."

Ripping into democrat leaders and liberal journalist who seem reluctant to criticize ANTIFA fascists, the Fox news host said, "Our leaders dithered and they cowered, and they openly sided with the destroyers, and in many cases they egged them on. Later, they will deny doing any of this and they're denying it now."

Carlson mocked democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden suggesting that the riots essentially comprise the  "largest Joe Biden for President rally on record."

"In gratitude for that, half a dozen Joe Biden for President campaign staffers donated money to the rioters ... These are their voters cleaning out the Rolex store," he added.

The Fox news host also slammed President Trump's advisers who "don’t seem to understand the gravity of the moment," including the President's senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

WATCH full Tucker's monologue.