Tucker Says BLM Movement Has Nothing To Do With Black Lives

Keneci Channel.

The Fox news 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host ripped into the far left marxist 'Black Lives Matter' movement and their Antifa allies, that have been causing mayhem on the streets of western cities, following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Carlson also called big businesses and the media outlets that support these far left thugs. He declared that this moment is without precedent in the modern era.

Here is part of what the firebrand conservative said:

A small group of highly aggressive emotionally charged activists took over our culture. They forced the entire country to obey their will. It all happened so fast and with such ferocity that virtually no one resisted it. 

People seem bewildered, even stunned by what was happening. Statements of fact and opinion that were entirely within the bounds of reasonable conversation just last Sunday, suddenly, a week later, were enough to get you fired from your job. And a number of people were fired.

An awful lot happened this weekend. We want to assess the aftermath of it all, suggest what it may mean, and where this country is likely to go from here.

You can always tell which political movements are ascendant, which are headed up, by how straightforward their members and sympathizers are about what they believe. Strong people say what they think out loud. They have no reason not to. They're not embarrassed about their beliefs. They think they're winning. 

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is a skilled trend spotter if there ever was one, is already acting as if defund the police -- again, a proposal that no sane person even mentioned in public just last month -- is now the defining civil rights issue of our time. You'd have to be a bigoted dinosaur, a bad person, to oppose it.

Well, as usual, the truth bears no resemblance whatsoever to what they're telling you.

Think about it for just a second. Democratic politicians control the police departments of virtually every big city in this country. Now, they're telling you they want to get rid of those police departments. If they did, that would mean less power for themselves. So, right away, you know, there's lying going on. Democrats do not relinquish power voluntarily, ever. Period. Republicans frequently do. Democrats never do. So, that's the first thing to know.

Something obviously is going on here beneath the surface. This has to be an attempt to increase the power of the Democratic Party because every policy they push is always. And in fact, that's exactly what's happening here.

Democrats have no intention of abolishing the police. Listen carefully and you will hear them admit that. Instead, they want to replace the police -- take the people who currently have badges, many of whom, by the way, voted for Donald Trump and swap them out for new people, people who hate Donald Trump and hate the people who voted for Donald Trump. That's what's actually happening here, and it makes sense.

Law enforcement is one of the very few institutions remaining in this country that the left has not yet controlled. Democrats hate the police because they don't control the police. Very simple.

Remember 35 years ago when Democrats were constantly attacking the U.S. military? We don't hear that anymore. Why is that? It's very simple. The left took over the Pentagon. No reason to attack people you control, which they do. And they plan to do the same thing to your local police department.

Let's be clear: What Democrats are proposing isn't some form of radical libertarianism with the cops leaving citizens to police their own neighborhoods. No, it's the opposite of that. What they're proposing is a power grab.

Defund the police is a move toward authoritarian social control, cloaked in the language of identity politics. Already, in the middle of a total breakdown of law and order as we watch our cities burn, you are seeing new moves to prevent you from defending yourself and your family in the middle of it.

Just last Tuesday, Marjorie Greene, who is running for Congress in Georgia, posted this ad on Facebook and within two days, Facebook pulled it down.

So, Facebook has a policy against violence --n not the violence engulfing our cities, but the violence of you defending your family. They create the chaos, you're not allowed to defend yourself. You are, in other words -- and this is, of course, the point -- wholly dependent upon them.

In the future, the left envisions, the only people who will have guns are people on their team, and that's exactly what defund the police really means. It means a woke militia policing our cities, enforcing Democratic Party orthodoxy.

Imagine if the Diversity Inclusion Department at Brown University had the power to arrest you. Imagine if the Black Lives Matter rioters had weapons and immunity from prosecution. That's what they're talking about. Partisan law enforcement and partisan law enforcement, incidentally, is hardly without precedent. In fact, it's the rule in the third world. This is an attempt to bring it here.

What is again striking is how few American voters support this, very few. Polling from just a week ago shows that only 16 percent of Americans favored cutting funding to police departments. There was almost no party divide on that question surprisingly.

The numbers were virtually the same for Republicans and Democrats. The divide was economic.

If you make more than $100,000.00 a year, you are more than twice as likely to think cutting the police was a good idea. And there's no mystery there, of course; rich people live in safe places. They can afford their own security. Jeff Bezos doesn't need the police, he has got his own.

Unfortunately for the rest of us -- and it is unfortunate --  Jeff Bezos and people like him are the only ones allowed to talk right now. It's hard to overstate how vicious the crackdown on free speech and free thought has been in the last few days.

Here's the new rule and it defines everything: You are not allowed to question Black Lives Matter in any way. Full stop. That rule has been enforced without mercy everywhere and not just in this country.

In Vancouver, a men's basketball coach was fired for liking a tweet that questioned Black Lives Matter. Meanwhile, a player on the LA Galaxy -- that's the professional soccer team in Los Angeles -- was fired because his wife said something critical online. Not him, he didn't do it. His wife. It doesn't matter. They canned the player anyway.

Imagine being a high school student right now. High school students who refuse to show affirmative support for Black Lives Matter on their Instagram accounts were shunned by their friends. Journalists who asked too many questions about the group were fired or silenced. Again, not an exaggeration.

Now, you'd think people in the media would resent this; presumably, some do. But almost everybody stayed quiet about it. They were too afraid, and some applauded.

The New York Times ran an op-ed demanding that people disown their own families if their families failed to support Black Lives Matter enthusiastically enough. "Tell your relatives, tell your friends," the author wrote ."You will not be visiting or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives through protest or financial contributions."

Got that? Sorry, mom. I know you're old and alone and miss your grandchildren. But we are shunning you until you send more money to Black Lives Matter.

Oh, so that's what Black Lives Matter means. No one really explains that. That's their description, and now we know what Intel and Pepsi and Amazon are supporting when they send money -- defunding the police.

Suddenly, it feels like all the adults have gone to St. Barts and turned off their cell phones. Who is running this country? Who is in charge? Anyone?

Yet, amazingly, some Republicans in Washington seem almost giddy as they watch the country go insane. Democrats have gone too far this time, they'll tell you. We're guaranteed to win in November. You've probably gotten texts to that effect recently from friends.

It sounds good, but they are wrong. They're totally and completely wrong on many levels.

For one thing, if you care about it, a country, you've got to try. You have an obligation to try your very best to protect and defend it, no matter who is helped in November. That's what patriotism is. It's not about you, it's about America.

But leave aside your moral duty, even as a matter of pure politics. This is a mindless analysis. It is a stupid calculation. Bad ideas are like cancer. When you ignore them, when you pretend they're not there, when you just assume, just ride it out, they spread.

Most people, as we noted, currently oppose defunding the police. That's where the polls stand right now. But will they feel that way in three months? How about in three weeks? In an environment like this, you don't know. Things move fast.

In London, protesters vandalized the statue of Abraham Lincoln -- because what did Abraham Lincoln ever do for black people? In Boston, a mob defaced a monument to the first all-black volunteer regiment in the Civil War. Because black people dying to end slavery sounds like white supremacy to us.

Right around the same time, a law professor from the University of Chicago called for an armed coup to overthrow the president of the United States, but that didn't get a lot of press because it didn't seem particularly newsworthy under the circumstances. It was that kind of weekend.

What is going on? What is this about?

Even the outlines are blurry at this point, but we know this: No matter what they tell you, it has very little to do with black lives. If only it did.

If Democratic leaders cared about saving the lives of black people -- and they should -- they wouldn't ignore the murder of thousands of young black men in their cities every year. They wouldn't put abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. They would instead do their very best to improve the public schools and to encourage intact families, which we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is central to the life prospects of children.

If they tried to make black neighborhoods as safe as their own neighborhoods, they would close the payday lenders that have added so much misery to the lives of poor people of all colors. But they don't even consider doing any of this -- they don't even try. Instead, they encourage theft and mayhem as if that will help. It will not help.

This may be a lot of things, this moment we're living through, but it is definitely not about black lives, and remember that when they come for you. And at this rate, they will. Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling. It's like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly. And the temptation is to panic.

But you can't panic. You've got to keep your head and tell the truth. Tell the truth. If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you.

At a moment like this, there is no advantage in cowardice, in being [Senator Mitt Romney]. You think you're saving yourself? You're just empowering the worst people -- people who hate you. Before you know it, you're confessing to crimes you didn't commit. Don't start.

Tell the truth -- and the truth is, this is a good country. Better than any other. Of course, we are flawed, but we are trying, unlike most places. And we have nothing to be ashamed of -- none of us.

Immigrants know that best of all. That's why they come here -- a million new Americans every year. They're not coming because America is a racist country. They're coming because it's not. That's all true.

And in our clear moments, we know it's true, even the people claiming it's not. Truth is a defense. No matter what they're telling you at this moment, this moment will pass. Remember that. All moments do.

When it does, we will look back at what we just saw in horror and disbelief. But if you're honest now, you will keep your dignity, and ultimately you will be very glad about that. Life is not worth living without it.

WATCH the monologue.