GAB CEO Reveals He Was Approached By Investors Close To Trump With An Unacceptable Offer

Keneci Channel

Andrew Torba in an episode of his Free Speech Radio podcast revealed that some investors close to the president and his son Donald Trump Jr., approached him in 2017 and made a sleazy offer of investment in Gab if he would agree to ban certain people from free speech network.

"I get approached by this person who again is very close to Don Jr., is very close to the president," Torba recalled. "... and he says, 'one of the things that you're gonna have to do is, you're gonna have to re-brand, and you're gonna have to ban certain things, and this guy has to go, you have to remove him from your site, and you have to stop talking about this, and x y z.'"

Torba said he rejected the demands immediately. "That's just not gonna happen,"he told the unnamed investor. "If this is what your terms are, then we're not gonna have a deal here ... I'm not changing our brand, I'm not changing our mission, I'm not banning people that you don't like, I'm not prohibiting people from talking about certain topics that you don't want them to talk about."

He continued, "This would eliminate the entire point of Gab, the entire mission of Gab. It'd undermine everything that I've sacrificed for to start this thing, and everything that I've gone through being attacked and smeared by the media, and getting threats and all sorts of stuff. It'd undermine all of that. It'd erase all of that. And it'd make Gab no different than Twitter ... so no deal."

The conservative CEO said that since he rejected the offer, "Conservative Inc and "MAGA Inc" have shunned Gab and pretended it didn't exist. He claimed they put the word out to right -leaning influencers and groups to avoid associating with the Gab.

Torba called out Turning Point USA founder. "Charlie Kirk cares about control, power and selling new books," he said.

He said there are there are three "different factions of the conservative right:"

The conservative Inc who he said includes the RINOs(Republican In Name Only) and the Republican establishment.

The MAGA Inc who he said includes conservatives who didn't support Trump in the primary and are now only interested in making money off of Trump and selling books. He said Kirk and radio host Serb Gorka are part of the MAGA Inc.

He claimed the MAGA Inc and Conservative Inc exist to "distract you and sell you books."

Torba also claimed that there is cancel culture on the right. He mentioned the 'groyper wars' -- the viral confrontations between the so-called 'America First nationalists' and Kirk at various TPUSA events last year.

"The second you bring up any sort of real issue, real problem that's facing this country, you're blacklisted, you're smeared," Torba said.

The Gab CEO claimed that the reason some prominent conservatives are not on Gab is because he couldn't be bought. "They tried to buy me ... and I refused."

He declared that Gab is an anti-establishment company. "The establishment is our enemy because the establishment is the enemy of truth," Torba said. "This includes establishment conservatives. Gab is not being built for the establishment, It's being built to dismantle it."

He added, "Our Terms Of Service have always been unapologetically American and puts the First Amendment above all else when it comes to content moderation."

Torba pointed out that Gab's free speech culture is not possible in big tech because American values are foreign to the workforce in Silicon Valley where majority of them are aliens.

"Gab is for everyday people," he asserted.

WATCH the rest of Andrew Torba's revelations.